I have been toying with various ideas for a post on a serious aspect of my part-time job, but today's mail has stopped me in my tracks. My monthly copy of 'Magistrate' arrived in its smart black plastic wrapper, and as usual I tore it open with trembling fingers and high expectations.
But what was this? As with so many publications there were a number of (presumably) paid-for inserts with the magazine.
Special Pensioners' Hearing Aid! shrieked one.
Don't let the misery of Arthritis ruin your life urged another.
Affordable Health Care was yet another.
A glossy 4 page leaflet from TV licensing told me a lot of stuff that I already know (but not why poor people have to stump up £145.50 a year to line the pockets of Jonathan Ross, Graham Norton, Jeremy Clarkson et al). The ads inside the magazine are the usual mixture of long distance travel, various types of insurance and suchlike.
There is one young (26) JP who writes a piece, but there are also election statements from four prospective Deputy Chairmen of the MA aged 63,63,63, and a youth of 61.
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Posts are pre-moderated. Please bear with us if this takes a little time, but the number of bores and obsessives was getting out of hand, as were the fake comments advertising rubbish.