Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Housekeeping Updated

I have no idea what has happened to the comments - JS-Kit was dumped on me when they bought out Haloscan. I have tried to get in to put it back to normal, but I haven't got time. I'll have a go when things calm down a bit.

It's very frustrating!


  1. Well done but what a pain it must have been !! I have updated link from my blog.

  2. Thanks. You are right - it was a pain!

  3. Welcome to your new home.

    I hope you (and us) will be happy here.

  4. No RSS feed or am I blind?

  5. [Looking around]These seem like spacious new premises. I have not been able to make the comments work for me ever since Haloscan went, so I wonder if I shall have more success here.

  6. Welcome!

    Even You!

    Rollup! Rollup!

  7. Glad to see everything went smoothly. I've bookmarked your new URL. Here's to many thought-provoking years in your new home.

  8. Well, this looks like a nice shiny new home...many happy years here BS!!

  9. It's perhaps a little late for this, but I'm inordinately fond of the old URL for reasons relating largely to whimsy; it's almost certainly not worth the effort of going backwards for that, but it struck me that had I made this offer earlier it might have been avoided so:

    I'm a geek. I'm a reader. I rarely comment, because I rarely have much to say that I particularly think is worth sharing on the topics on here. But I'd be happy to offer, within reason, assistance beating stuff into shape in order to make the running of this thing less irritating for you, and this includes kicking seven shades of silicon out of an unruly comments system on your behalf should such a problem recur. I'm contactable via mst (at sign goes here) shadowcat.co.uk and should you not have an email address handy that easily preserves your anonymity I'd imagine you can get somebody reasonably unrelated to send me an alternative means of contact.

    If this is of use, please do get in touch. If it might be later, please do keep my address on file; I'm a director of the company I work for and sufficiently fond of my job that barring unforeseen disasters it'll likely still be valid in a year or three.

    And with that, I'll go back to lurking again.


Posts are pre-moderated. Please bear with us if this takes a little time, but the number of bores and obsessives was getting out of hand, as were the fake comments advertising rubbish.